
Honorable Shri Ravi Meghe

Secretary ,Shri Vidyarthi Sudhar Sangh.

Shri Ravi Meghe

Shri Ravi Meghe is a dynamic leader and personifies the concept of inclusive leadership in totality. He creates an atmosphere to stimulate divers thinking and perspectives and to converge towards the common goals. He shoulders the responsibility of Qualitative and Quantitative development and expansion of the various Educational Institutions under the Meghe Group.

His commitment towards quality education has carved a niche for the Meghe Group of Institutions in Maharashtra and Central India, and has earned a sterling reputation in education sector and has been validated by various agencies like NABET, NBA & NAAC time and again. He believes in progressive and innovative Learning & Development process that would bring transformational change in the educational system that would be relevant with the time.

Shri Sameer Meghe

Shri Sameer Meghe is a young and charismatic leader who believes that a nation is built by the youth of the country who are educated, determinant and dedicated. He believes that education stimulates young minds and makes them change Leaders to propel India into an economic powerhouse in the 21st century. As the part of the leadership he is an instrumental in creating the blueprint for the growth of the Meghe Group of Institutions and bringing them into reality.


Shri Sameer Meghe

Treasurer, Shri Vidyarthi Sudhar sangh